Vacation Update #2

The past Sunday was super hectic. I woke up at 5:30am and left for Incheon International Airport. I took the Incheon Int’l line and it took about an hour from Seoul. Hoping that I would be able to get on the flight.. the check-in line was a two hour wait. It was already 8:30am and the flight was for 9am. Sadly I missed my flight. Instead I took another airline and got on the first try! I had 30 minutes to get through customs, immigration, and the terminal.. and praise God I made it with 5 min to spare! 3.5 hours later I arrived in HK! I forgot how hot and humid Hong Kong can get.. but I’m glad they use the air con or I would melt.

Caught up with Cathy! 🙂

Thus far I’ve been going to church nearby with my relatives to stream in sermons from the HK Bible Conference live and D.A Carson is one of the guest speakers! He’s such a good pastor! We’re going over Nehemiah for 10 days! 🙂 It’s day two and I’ve already learned so much about the faith of Nehemiah and his boldness in rebuilding the city he came from through God’s providence! Trusting and relying on God’s providence! 🙂 Exactly the reminder I needed.

Hillsong! 🙂 They’re so awesome!

God be exalted in everything! We live for your glory!

One thought on “Vacation Update #2

  1. Now you will get views from hong kong!!!!:)

    Found a church in hk called the vine and recent sermons has really inspired me!! Read Ruth when you have time. It might help you stand strong when things get hard in Korea. ^^ miss you!xx

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